1 definition by jayyy:)

such a kind, lovely, and caring person. she's so silly and funny and alwaysfinds a way to make people laugh she'll bring so much joy to your day without even realizing, and shes the highlight of your day. she cares a lot for her friends and is a loyal person. she's a little sensitive but she always tries to hide it to check on her sometimes. she puts everyone before her, and shes such a goofy person. she's someone you can trust with secrets and someone you could come to anytime if your upset or need someone to talk too. she's so beautiful its unbelievable, and no matter how many times you tell her that she wont believe you. you could look into her beautiful blue eyes for the rest of eternity, and everytime you think of her yours heart drops to your chest.Malia, your an amazing person and i- i love you.
by jayyy:) April 5, 2022
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