26 definitions by jaX

Its a woman's hairy flange, used as an example to children in the same way as 'front bum'.
Make sure you wash your fluffy mary
by jaX December 20, 2003
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A person (usually a love interest, family member, child) who will inevitably need to be saved by the hero of the story. Can be present in both films and books.
Aunt May: "Why is Mary-Jane here?"

Harry: "She's Peter's liability buddy.

Aunt May: "Makes sense."
by jaX October 18, 2021
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Short term about anything that has to do with anything. Made up by the great Dustin. Mostly used by stoners and alcoholics.
"Let's posey over here." -Let's walk over here.
"Let's go smoke a posey."-Let's go smoke a joint.
by jaX December 24, 2004
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a crazed fat hamster that is always high on drugs esp. alchy~
you can call someone
by jaX July 30, 2004
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