1 definition by j053ph__

The latest in video content flooding the popular site youtube. With ASMR pedophiles and other perverts have found a way to have something to jerk off to on youtube. Because just using pornhub is too vanilla for these folks. Just like the famed "kids playing in pool of pudding" these videos involve young girls and sometime boys doing things that are innocent in nature but when you squint just right you could totally see how a creeper is cranking it out to these videos. To further the epidemic it's fueled by peoples desire to feel famous and since perverts flock to these videos and send the views through the roof more and more people are producing them and let me tell ya they just keep getting sexier. ;p

All in all keep whispering into the side of that cock..... I mean mic.
What are you doing?

Nothing much, just finished cranking it out to an ASMR video.

Cool, me too.
by j053ph__ September 13, 2018
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