1 definition by ixaac20

Aba(tall one) Preach(one shorter than Aba)Some of the funniest niggas on youtube who have been on the rise late 2019 early 2020 they mostly give their insightful interesting and sometimes hot takes on Men's Rights,Feminism,Mainstream Media, Progressivism,LGBT,Double Standards of Woman AND Men and many more social topics and taboos.
They also do it in a really funny and charismatic way so even if you disagree with them politically you still gets some laughs out of there videos.Hell even if your Apolitical you can just watch their Reaction videos to cringey shit on the internet coupled with their God-Tier chemistry and comedy.

I highly recommend you check them out there definitely one of the most slept on channels of youtube .

P.s they make some skits on the side.
Person 1 : Yo you see that new Aba and Preach vid that dropped?

Person 2: HELL YH! i don't fw them politically but they some funny ass niggas tho.
by ixaac20 April 13, 2020
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