3 definitions by its raw you donkey!

The worst hell's kitchen chef ever, despite being the oldest in the season and having more experience than anyone else, including Gordon Ramsay. Just because he's the oldest, he thinks that he'll win hell's kitchen for sure, he's arrogant and speaks to others in a condescending manner. During dinner service, he moves his jaw nonstop instead of cooking his ass off, or he's at the back sticking his head into the freezer.
"Raj, come here you, it's raw, it's fucking RAW!"
"Raj, you're a waste of life."
by its raw you donkey! July 29, 2020
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What chef Ramsay will call you when you bring a chewed up bit of dog food to the pass and screw up Ben's special.
Gordon: Is that a chewed up bit of chicken from the dog? Here. That's your special. Yeah, have a word with him, yeah? He's given up. Your special has now become not very special thanks to dickface there. Hurry up, Giovanni!
Giovanni: Yeah, but I'm not dickface, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, say that again?!
Giovanni: I said I'm not dickface, chef!
Gordon: Yeah, you're pissed, are you? Not as fucking- Look at me, LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES!! NOT AS PISSED AS I AM!! YOU FUCKIN' ARE!! DONKEY!!
Giovanni: No.
Gordon: Because right now, I don't give a fuck! DICKFACE!
Gordon: You're sending shit, and you're trying to get away with it! Now I'm ready for an argument! SENDING ME THAT, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!
Gordon: And you want to get all sensitive! You want to get all fucking negative!
Giovanni: No, chef!
Gordon: Look at me, look at me, you send me shit like that, take your jacket and FUCK OFF!
Giovanni: Yes, chef!
Gordon: I'm not sending that shit, "chef!"
Giovanni: No, chef. Sorry, chef.

Gordon: That's the well done one. And look at me, I think you're too fucked to get upset with me, you don't give a fuck what I call you. This is not personal, this is professional! That personal was a piece of shit, now pull it back!!
Giovanni: Yes, chef.
by its raw you donkey! September 8, 2020
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What chef Ramsay will call you when you bring a chewed up bit of dog food to the pass and screw up Ben's special.
Gordon: Is that a chewed up bit of chicken from the dog? Here. That's your special. Yeah, have a word with him, yeah? He's given up. Your special has now become not very special thanks to dickface there. Hurry up, Giovanni!
Giovanni: Yeah, but I'm not dickface, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, say that again?!
Giovanni: I said I'm not dickface, chef!
Gordon: Yeah, you're pissed, are you? Not as fucking- Look at me, LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES!! NOT AS PISSED AS I AM!! YOU FUCKIN' ARE!! DONKEY!!
Giovanni: No.
Gordon: Because right now, I don't give a fuck! DICKFACE!
Gordon: You're sending shit, and you're trying to get away with it! Now I'm ready for an argument! SENDING ME THAT, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!
Gordon: And you want to get all sensitive! You want to get all fucking negative!
Giovanni: No, chef!
Gordon: Look at me, look at me, you send me shit like that, take your jacket and FUCK OFF!
Giovanni: Yes, chef!
Gordon: I'm not sending that shit, "chef!"
Giovanni: No, chef. Sorry, chef.

Gordon: That's the well done one. And look at me, I think you're too fucked to get upset with me, you don't give a fuck what I call you. This is not personal, this is professional! That personal was a piece of shit, now pull it back!!
Giovanni: Yes, chef.
by its raw you donkey! September 8, 2020
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