4 definitions by ithinkmrkellylovesme

The Quantum Thop is a particularly harsh thop, one where the thopper draws upon all of their palm-strength to administer the thop
'If you don't shut up I'll Quantum Thop you into the next realm'
by ithinkmrkellylovesme April 3, 2018
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A sharp rapping with the palm of the hand on the back of someone's head. A thop is commonly used when the thoppee has said or done something illogical or stupid, or it can be used as a threat.
'If you don't get yo ass here right now I'll thop you into next week!'
by ithinkmrkellylovesme April 3, 2018
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The person recieving the thop, administered by the thopper
When I was younger I often thopped my younger brother, forcing him to assume the role of thoppee.
by ithinkmrkellylovesme April 3, 2018
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