2 definitions by insta: fluffy_raccoon_cub <3

A place we'll never be able to see again due to Corona.
texting friend
friend 1: Hey, want to go outside?
friend 2: NO WAY DUDE ARE YOU FRICKIN INSANE?!?!! You can't go outside! We're on lock down! we're in quarantine! We're in isolation! You poor soul! You moron! You absolute fool! We cannot leave our safe, cozy, post-apocalyptic homes! I shall send my swift stallion to fetch me more toilet paper! oh how i need the sweet paper, and the essentials MUST be hoarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a side effect of pain caused by the novel coronavirus . Alternate side effects: cabin fever, minor offences, mass murders upon housemates, missing your significant other, crying, excessive eating, show binging, unreasonable sadness, anger, extreme fatigue. In extreme cases, usually seen in idiots and Karens, harmful effects are: being on r/prorevenge, r/malicouscompliance, hoarding, panic buying, and calling COVID-19 a hoax. If you see these effects, please: a) get a therapist b) stop being stupid, or c) cease to exist.
man, I miss (s/0). quarantine hurts :(
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