1 definition by inkball

A well-respected former player and current commentator for the FGC -- namely Marvel vs. Capcom (mahvel). A real OG.

Notably, a compilation of his MvC2 commentary was uploaded to YouTube in 2007 titled "mahvel baybee!" that coined a number of phrases near and dear to the heart of anyone who loved/loves Marvel vs. Capcom.

e.g. "IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!" "Oh he got da mango Sentinel" "Mag-fucking-neto" "Scoops Häagen-Dazs" "Oh he's so Pringles. Where yo curleh mustache at?" etc.

The video is so well-known in the FGC that Capcom themselves made references to it in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Crazy, right?
Yipes: "I don't mean to be cliché, but... he got dat mango Sentinel."
by inkball October 26, 2020
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