1 definition by imnotproudtobeanamerica

People who are sickeningly obsessed with American culture. This can be applied to people from other countries, or even people within the country of the United States of America. Often blinded by the inability to see the flaws, these people will stop at nothing in order to try and convince whoever will listen that America is still "the land of the free" and shit. Don't believe them. Generally 30+ year old white men.
Man: Love your USA flag shirt, man.
Man 2: Thanks. God bless America, long live the free. Let freedom ring. America, patriotism, flags, red, white, and blue, baseball, football, sports, beer, etc.

Anything and everything American is perfect. This makes you an Americanophile.
by imnotproudtobeanamerica November 12, 2013
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