1 definition by im_bi_babes

Spell it out. Bicycle whale. Bi - cycle - whale. Bi - sexu - whale. Bisexual.

A subtle way for bisexuals to indicate to other queers that they are indeed bisexual.

Perhaps a less-obvious way to come out as bi without everyone knowing. Like a secret code. To avoid homophobia as the straights have no idea what's going on. Also, in our heteronormative society, for the most part, people assume that everyone is straight until they are told otherwise. So bisexual people can indicate that they don't just like X gender, but also Y/Z/A/B/C/all genders too.
Darcy captioned her instagram post '🚲🐳', indicating that she is bisexual to her followers.
by im_bi_babes May 1, 2021
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