142 definitions by illinoishorrorman

A high profile member of Fandom_Wank that bit off more than she can chew when she engaged the writer of The Cabbie Homicide where he decided to really lay into her in his five year memoir. The other one from Fandom_Wank was stealing his published material for the Fandom Wank wiki. They though Anne Rice was fierce, the man behind The Fandom Writer equates Fandom_Wank as 'slash writing fags' and had called them pseudo-journalists as he found Mindset's workplace and her real name.
fandom_wank Mindset made her livejournal friends only because of the affair in 2006 where she took aim at the much harder hitting author as he made waves on The House of Pain as she reported on Anne Rice lashing back at shit-reviewers. The piece that took a harsh swipe at slash fanfiction writers. "You're a thief with a word processor." When she was located on Facebook.com in 2007 and confronted; that was the fuel the author needed to fire back in print.
by illinoishorrorman February 13, 2018
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This group -- they need to be defined right on here UrbanDictionary. They're an evangelical website which some of the barbs they take at other Evangelicals are extremely funny. Some are in on the joke others well FoxNews pointed out with TBN was too soon. The barbs they take at Piss Drinking Bastard are something theistic evolutionists find extremely researched, Thing That One Finds takes the research they did a bit further when doing barbs at Fucking Cartoon and Uneducated Huckster. The Independent Baptist sects are their worst nightmare as they pissed off the entire sect with a single tweet.
The collective of Jonathan Swifts at the site The Babylon Bee had a really funny tweet -- the 1611 Speak clearly were not pleased with what was on ebay as the memes that are known as "First World Problems" relates how the Apostle Paul never used a King James Version. So this one really was an elaborate barb at the churches "King James Only Examined" from the light blue wordpress blog also did -- an artist who is a pastor at Dorr Baptist Church liked this blog entry to Godzilla. He saw the blog entry and said, "I didn't realize the blog that pissed off the entire King James Only establishment was yours. Damn -- your entire roster is the one they're after. Especially the one who has a KJV verse on his blog and cites Ray Bradbury. " He pointed out that blog entry is as infamous as The Fandom Writer was to slash fanfiction types as Archive of our Own banned the notorious author for pointing out that real person slash are parasite.
by illinoishorrorman March 22, 2018
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Another creative nonfiction term for FanFiction.net contributors who do fic from established copyrighted properties that are not in the public domain. Noted when a creative nonfiction writer is doing an investigative blog they often employ fair use for reporting purposes as Frontier Foundation noted. The most high profile example of this is having to be Fredrik Colting who lifted Catcher in the Rye.

I did a creative nonfiction short that was a dead on match to the style of the novel right down to the strong language and nihilism it presented. This is common when one would see bricks or door stops on the website when you have those who produce novels of established copyrighted characters. Gene Roddenberry noticed this in the 1960s and gave some of them a published outlet. It's noted in the small press in 2005-2007 had ushered some from the circuit as The Twilight Zone fandom and Edgar Allan Poe fandoms often will see published writers emerge from there because the stories are extremely original. Don't use this term with Archive of our Own higher ups as they'd get pissed -- it's known as a snarl term unless you're in the mood to start a flame war. Noted they got mad when The Fandom Writer's guilty party pointed out, "I don't want to see my characters portrayed as peter puffers or donut punchers." They had a collective gasp over that remark.
Lovely the publisher is getting swarmed with those who are freely engaging in the practice of "Casual Copyright Infringement." Twilight fanfiction are often pulling the stunt known as "pull to publish" or "scraping off the serial numbers." The Fandom Writer's guilty party pulled a wiseass move and sneak Creative Nonfiction on fanfiction.net as he's got something on there developed by a classmate from Glenbard East based upon the notes the classmate did of the character in 2007. The Forever Knight fandom had seen published authors going as far back as 2002; as one of them was trailed by Archive of our Own as she had a novel in 2002 and appeared in an anthology with me as she did the final edits to secure my slot with the alternate.

What's that if you're asking?

It's a snarl term for FanFanfiction using established copyrighted characters (ie from copyrights that are still established and going for the lifetime of the creator. Public Domain based fandoms are often picked up in anthologies if in the right place and right time.)
by illinoishorrorman February 13, 2018
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A science fiction story appearing on Apr 13, 2015 based on the exchanges with Uneducated Huckster and Fucking Cartoon. Their followers were using articles from the moron magnet and the Piss Drinking Bastard to refute the publisher of The Ethereal Gazette as Cradle of Filth's social network got a ringside seat at the controversy he invoked engaging the Uneducated Huskster. It made it's emergence on FictionPress.com with a low key word of mouth as it was trolled by factions in the industry using the author's respective screen names over the years. It's noted for using a thesis that picked apart "Dr." Kent Hovind's pseudo-academia as it revisits the first science fiction short story in passing as noted it also cited the Forbes article on "Dr." Kent Hovind.
The short story, The Thing That One Finds, is often mistaken for Real Person Fiction in a fanfiction sense when it's written in a vein similar to The Onion or The Babylon Bee but based on actual research from the findings he did about Hovind and the reverse research of his first science fiction outing also on FictionPress.com. It's based on his retorts of the Young Earth Creationists as they were pissed he revealed he's a Theistic Evolutionist as he was quiet about having an old earth view as a teenager.
by illinoishorrorman February 12, 2018
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The four letters that gets an investigative journalist responding with gfym or grym as the response isn't exactly safe work work, it also pisses off short story writers who write in the same range as The Tell-Tale Heart or the mid-range of 4000-6800 words. It's the response that we ask if you read "The Frog And Toad Together" in the park in your 40s. The grym response was done by The Cabbie Homicide writer on VampireFreaks.
troll: tl;dr
writer: grym

troll: Shit did he just say go rape my mother.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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A defunct Wordpress blog from an arrested criminal that was a class of 1994, at Glenbard East who ran into classmate who eventually wrote the true crime yarn, The Cabbie Homicide -- as this one is a chronicled big name fan of the jam band Phish. Noted everyone else knows they are less than talented as they replaced The Grateful Dead in the 1990s. Their fanbase are known as phans as they also follow the act infamous for dumping 800 pounds of turdage on unsuspecting tourists. The light blue blog has appeal in underground heavy metal communities as being the counterpart to Fox News Channel and CBS News -- the candid life blogger with real reporting.

Known as a guilty by association in the Something Awful plagiarism incident that the goon got caught doing as the subject of "Pastor's Spouse" was also freight-trained for also covering up for it.
The light blue blog in 2014 had an investigative report of a classmate blogger behind the wordpress presence of The Sloping Companion as he later found that some were bitching about his fraud practices around the same time this came up. The wife at the time came and revealed that he knocked her up when she was just eighteen as he was a borderline pedophile -- he tried to sue the author of An Eye In Shadows for ten large, as this one threatened to cannibalize him like a Portillo's Hot Dog, in another blog entry the author took a barb implying if he wants to enjoy the taste of human meat, hands him a cleaver, suggests him to cut off his own limbs and cook them up in the back.
by illinoishorrorman March 6, 2018
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This is the South African equal to the b-word in the states.
A woman who said, "we all plagiarize" on an article the called Pastoral Plagiarism: The Do's and Don'ts was confronted by an outraged An Eye In Shadows guilty party and said, 'no we don't. You don't even know how vile that is in your part of the world. Sê dat ons almal plagiarize. Moenie eers probeer kry gepubliseerde jy onkundig piss-drink teef.." That is pretty vulgar in Afrikaans.
by illinoishorrorman July 27, 2018
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