3 definitions by ika tan

A white girl or woman projecting contentment, happiness or even smug self-satisfaction with her life choices, despite the nagging fear that hooking up with Tyrone, resulting in her having an Amerimutt mixed raced child was not in her best interest. Never-the-less she continues with the facade, with smiles and even perhaps marriage, while she watches her girlfriends land high status white men and produce fair skinned, flowing haired children with higher IQs.
Did you here what happened to Jen? No. She got knocked up....by a guy named....Tyrone! Can you believe it? No way. She had everything in college. Yeah..they are getting married to, I heard. You do know 50% of all marriages end in divorce right? I know, I know. LOL. She better polish that turd until it shines because there ain't much hope for landing another guy if they divorce. Polishing a Turd! *laughter*. I never heard that one before. *more laughter* Another one for the dust bin huh? It sure looks that way. LOL LOL LOL.....So what are you going to order for lunch? A white guy with a job!! *raucous laughter*. OMG...you're so bad, I mean really. Poor Jen. *more laughter*
by ika tan May 13, 2018
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A hate crime based on race, gender, national origin, citizenship status or sexual orientation that is hoaxed by the so-called "targeted victim" who identifies with a so-called "victim class".
In the news today, an actor by the name of Jussie Smollett has been accused in yet another, of what is said to be an ever

growing social problem of bait crimes by people employing The Victim Narrative. Here is what we know about this narrative so far. See h t t p s : / / ghostbin . com / paste / 69srv
by ika tan March 3, 2019
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When white trash girls go to bars, clubs and parties with the express purpose of seeking out black dick.
Becky and I are going nigger knocking. Do you want to come.

We are such sluts. I can't believe we are out, nigger knocking.

Ohhh...so you all out nigger knocking huh? I got your dick right here.
by ika tan May 13, 2018
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