5 definitions by iitsthatweirddictionarykid

The third letter in the alphabet.. duh..
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now I know my abcs dad will be impressed when he comes back with the milk.
by iitsthatweirddictionarykid November 8, 2019
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When you get mad and smash your keyboard.
Player 1. “...”
Player 2. “I’m mad”
Player 1. “Go to a rage room and let it all out, bud.”
Player 2. “Why waste money on a rage room when I can make my own?”
Player 1. “...”

Player 1. “I guess you are right.. how do you have your own though?”
Player 2. *long pause*
Player 2. *smashes keyboard* *Fhfhhdhddhhehsajhshfhsnsns*
The End
by iitsthatweirddictionarykid November 8, 2019
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