1 definition by iiZeokiiiiii

The term “Aboriginal” refers to a minority of indigenous people inside of Australia. The origin of the word is by combining the root words of Abnormal and Original. Thus the word meaning ‘not original’ because of this, many Indigenous people refer the term ‘First Nations’ or ‘Indigenous’

Prior to Australia being colonised in 1788, the Aboriginals (along with many many other natives) traveled across the world in what is now known as the ‘Out Of Africa Theory’ and have lived in Australia for over 65,000 years.

For more information on the Out Of Africa Theory, I recommend you do your own research.
Show Host: “We begin our show, by acknowledging that the traditional custodians of the land, the (tribe name) people have lived on this land for thousands of year. We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, past, present and emerging.”
by iiZeokiiiiii May 31, 2023
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