10 definitions by iain_d

A type of Charismatic christian who carry around fold-able chairs and offer healing.They sit you in the chair and tell you that whatever ailment you have is caused by having "one leg shorter than the other". They duly pray for your leg and behold! It appears to grow. One of the oldest parlour tricks in the book.
Just seen a couple of those Chairlatan healers in the precinct again. Told me I had one leg shorter than the other. So I told him that he had one neuron shorter than the other.
by iain_d September 6, 2018
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The cakes you find for sale at a church fete which have been baked by dribbling grannies. Do not buy these cakes!
Hey look! I won a Granny Dribble Cake in the raffle.
by iain_d October 16, 2020
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The name given to the stereotypical male chav hair fringe due to its sparse nature covering a big forehead.
Kieran took off his Burberry cap and carefully re-arranged his blonde chav strands with his bony tattooed hands.
by iain_d October 16, 2020
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