2 definitions by iPhone14

Vicks Nasal Stick is a medical product made by ‘Vicks’. It’s main use it to clear blocked, stuffy noses. It makes breathing feel cool and clear.

Although it can be used as a medical product, for medical uses, it is often abused (used way more often than needed). I would not recommend buying this product unless you want to turn into a mental crackhead.
Man 1: Anyone wanna buy my Vicks Nasal Stick?
Man 2: Get the fuck off my lawn you fucking crackhead!!!
by iPhone14 December 17, 2018
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Daoud is the most loyal friend you can have. He usually puts everyone else before himself. You should really want and appreciate a friend like Daoud. A lot of people are jealous of him and often call him annoying and small.

Daoud’s name is usually written as ‘Doud
Man 1: Oh man, don’t you think Daoud is annoying sometimes? He’s a small guy that acts big.
Man 2: Shut the fuck up, daoud is an amazing friend, just yesterday he got me Pizza Hut cookie dough and ice cream.
Man 1: Wow that nice of Daoud, I wish I had a friend like him! My dad left me.
by iPhone14 December 16, 2018
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