1 definition by i live in the OC

The most ridiculously rich city in Orange County. Including Coto (homes to the "real house wives of orange county"), Trabuco Canyon, beach front homes, and other gated communities. Parties are insane due to huge houses and rich parents. If you go to the grocery store you will see Mercedez, BMWs, and Lexus' in the parking lot one after another. Every girl has one of the following: juicy braclet/track suit, Dooney and Burke purse, Louis Vuitton purse, Juicy purse, True Religion/7 all mankind jeans, designer sunglasses, an iphone/sidekick, and of course a car for her 16th birthday. Size 3 is considered overweight. Tanning salons are always busy. Everyone, and i means everyone smokes weed. iF you don't, then you have at least TRIED IT a few times. Spoiled rotton teenagers and rich parents= one shallow town.
"Hey i'm going down to visit So cal this summer"
"woa! just stay away from the 949, they are all shallow robots"
"Dude, i hooked up with a girl from the 949"
"Damn she must have been hottt!"
"yahh but so fake, i would never date that!"
by i live in the OC May 18, 2008
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