3 definitions by humpydumpydylan

Scouse slang for "surely" due to the pronunciation by polly-heads. Often confused with the name "Shirley", the word is used to emphasise the speaker's firm belief that what they are saying is true and often their surprise that there is any doubt of this.
"Fucken SHIRLEEEEE we didnt smoke all that Berlin polly laaa, fucking beaming me laaa. No wonder i was eating a glizzy after Matrix"
by humpydumpydylan March 14, 2023
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Someone with a big dump truck asss. Someone who prefers a dirty bulk diet and is therefore on the larger end (almost pregnant looking). It is vital to avoid these people as they track their calories and spend 3 hours daily at the gym, whilst showing no results but keep saying 'the cut will be insane!'
Have you seen Dylan Wood recently, he's got a fat asss from all that bulking. May as well call him humpy dumpy Dylan!
by humpydumpydylan February 21, 2023
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A word used to describe someone who is incredibly mid and even below mid. Most commonly used in Liverpool to describe someone unattractive, smelly and small with a below average penis.
Have you seen Russell Fairclough recently, may aswell call him Russell Midclough, the below average sausage. He is so small and ugly.
by humpydumpydylan February 20, 2023
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