1 definition by horschic826

Unionville girls have an awful reputation of being sluts... Hmmmm.... If only the people who were writing this definition actually knew what they were talking about... Unionville is a very diverse school. Sure, we are all tired of seeing the cheap fake Ugg boots worn tastelessly with that ugly mini-skirt. And yes, we all love to watch how girls think its cool to wear a thong up above the jeans that are currently cutting off their circulation. But if only someone wrote about the other half of unionville girls...

My friends and I go under THIS definition:
A Unionville girl is always there for her friends, and knows that chocolate is the ultimate bandaid, especially when combined with a girls night in. They actually wear clothes tastefully, and when in doubt: wear your pajamas. They get angry when the girls breaking the dress code are not yelled at for flashing the entire school...

Real Unionville girls hate the sluts who walk around school acting like they own it. They hate the freshmen because they all dress like sluts, and we secretly laugh at them because we know they r going to get a rude awakening.

A real unionville girl knows that she doesn't need those sad excuses for the skimpy choice of guys available to make her happy. A real unionville girl understands that when life gets tough, your friends' phones are always on. Real people from unionville love living where they do - in the middle of nowhere. And if you don't you belong in a mall, you slut... Those of you who put those awful definitions in here, you are obviously one of those sad excuses for human beings that you so easily defined.
You know you're from Unionville when...
Your neighbor is just a horseride across the cornfield
An exciting night is cowtipping off of 842
You secretly laugh at the slutty freshmen who think they are cool when they are making a fool of themselves...
You'd much rather spend time with your girlfriends at the Landhope then go shopping...
You live here and you wouldn't have it any other way

If you don't fit that description - go move to Kennet. Either that or stop trying to be ghetto, because you're whiter than Josh Toban...
by horschic826 December 29, 2005
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