2 definitions by homersimpsonswife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

well how could you not live this fat meat eating obese being who is an alcoholic who loves everyone! Besides stupid Flanders. Screw Marge! Homer is mine.
whos Homer Simpson and what’s the deal with this guy?

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Isabella is an amazing person, she will try her hardest to make anyone feel comfortable. She feels left out and her anxiety can take over. She hides her feeling from her friends and family and sometime from herself. As a child Isabella is an innocent being but as she gets older she becomes more of a rebellious person. She lies, she does things she knows she’s not suppose to, and she can’t not hide at least one thing from one person. You might think that Isabella is a wonderful person and tells you everything. But if there is something you know she’s hiding is probably something about herself. She has big goals in life but doesn’t think she can make it. it’s easy to keep secrets some Isabella’s say but truly the secret comes out anyways. Never be mean to an Isabella for she can be a sensitive being. But if you ever get on Isabella’s bad side surely you are screwed! If u can be petty she can be petty to. Once you try and make Isabella’s life a living hell she will never not be successful at marking yours even more of a hell. She will be the Jesus to your god. Isabella is a keeper.
Did you hear it’s june 12!?
What does that mean?
Is national celebration of all isabellas!

Don’t forget to look at my user name and the gify ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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