2 definitions by herbend legend

In the 1940's when there was little regulation of scientific research, Tarkmount Medical Research Facility in Omaha Nebraska performed numerous experiments on their patients. The facility's primary goal was to find a way to extend the life of humans and enhance their natural senses. After many many years of grueling research and discouraging failures, the scientists at Tarkmount discovered 4 new abilities that were yet to be unlocked in humans. The first was the ability to move objects with the mind, but was limited to only an up and down motion. This proved very useful for hands-free masturbation or sex where the girl is on top. The second, was the ability to curse at someone by just thinking of the word. One would merely have to look at a victim and think of the curse word and that word would be implanted in the victim's mind where it would gnaw away his/her morale for a period of 10 minutes. This proved very useful at sports games to lower the confidence of the players and allow a certain team to gain a brief advantage, or when "Little Johnny" at school is bragging about how many toys he got for Christmas. The third and fourth ability lead to the creation of sidefx, a legendary hero who brought pleasure to many.
Sidefx is a legend thanks to Tarkmount Medical Research Facility
by herbend legend December 31, 2018
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The name of the first person who obtained the forth ability unlocked in humans at Tarkmount Medical Research Facility in Omaha Nebraska in 1942. See Tarkmount Medical Research Facility for more info.

Initially the third ability was supposed to be a high power laser beam that projects from ones index finger to make coal mining less dangerous and eliminate the gender gap for miners, making men and women equally efficient. Although this was a success, the side effect was the ability to channel sexual energy into the tips of ones fingers. When touching another person with a finger tip, that person would begin to be sexually aroused. The more finger tips applied, the more aroused the person would get. (It is advised that the thumb be applied last since that is what triggers the orgasm). This ability could not be used on ones self however, but luckily the first ability makes up for this shortcoming. The side effect of the third ability was so powerful, so intriguing, and so pursued that the first person in history who obtained it was given the name "SIDEFX". SIDEFX was a man who women flocked to from all over the world to experience this revolutionary sexual experience.
1. I urgently need Sidefx to touch me right now, with all his fingers.
2. "Sidefx, can I have your autograph on my leg and be sure to use your finger as the pen."
by herbend legend December 31, 2018
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