2 definitions by hartzosaurus

When you ask someone to check if it's going to rain and they tell you no and it does, in fact, storm. And they did, in fact, see that it was going to do so.
BDN: "Hey, will you check if it's going to rain later? Deciding if I should walk to work or not"
G: *Sees rain later that day* "Nah, you good"
BDN: "Walk to work he thought. It’ll be a nice day he thought. I just got Rain Rolled"
by hartzosaurus August 28, 2019
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An individual who engages in compulsive distribution of falsehoods packaged as veracity.

A mountebank, a sophist, a specious spurious lot, an apocryphal. Or simply, someone who is deadass lying.
Anyone who says they can accurately predict weather is an obituary liar.
by hartzosaurus September 13, 2019
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