18 definitions by harray shipmonay

this is what we call all those bloody eastern european imigrants that have recently swarmed the uk to take skilled jobs that our own long term unemployed should have been trained to do.perhaps using lottery funding to help these people rather than spending that cash on stupid sculptures and those damn olympics!
you "scuse me mate,got the time?" him "soddy no speak englishski" you "bloodly ishki bishki boshki"
by harray shipmonay March 8, 2008
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bedsit bob is a typical landlord. renting rooms to unemployed people who then takes all their money for things that don't exist,like central heating and hot water and electricity. he will also have keys to your room enabling him to help himself to your belongings.
1st homeless guy:"shall we rent a room from bedsit bob?" 2nd homeless guy:"i'd rather get a job" 1st homeless guy:"i'd rather die"
by harray shipmonay March 13, 2008
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a.k.a the vauxhall astra motot car. called the ashtray because it WILL get stolen and set on fire by asbo loving scum.
insurance company:"would you like comprehensive cover for your vauxhall ashtray sir?" you:"just fire and theft please" insurance company :"are you sure sir?" you:"i'm sure. its on fire now!"
by harray shipmonay March 13, 2008
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a product of the 1970's,white dog shit was everywhere! it was all over the place because once upon a time high quantities of chalk were addded to tins of dog food therefore when a dog would take a shit after a few days in the sunshine the poo would dry out and eventually turn white. nowadays pet food manufacturers don't use chalk in their food and this is why we don't see any more white dog shit lying around.
bring back white dog shit it's so nostalgic.
by harray shipmonay March 17, 2008
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what you should call anyone by the name of NEIL. it just simply sounds better and it'what their mothers would have wanted.
phnivvel get up you lazy boy it's time for school. phnivvel phnivvel PHNIVVEL!
by harray shipmonay March 8, 2008
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a.k.a my mate dead ian who gets his social security fortnightly and buys crap with it so has to go to the soup kitchen to drink some homeless guys bladder contents including the lumps!
"hey ian that guys got the runs.how hungry are you? shall we go down the soup kitchen or just eat this shit?"
by harray shipmonay March 5, 2008
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