22 definitions by hallie corson

A bunch of morons running around with rags on their heads and bodies, claiming to be "Christians" while blatantly violating the 7th Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill." Notice it did not say, "Thou shalt not kill anyone except Black people, Asians, homosexuals, etc." But, no, they probably didn't notice that, being that they are also generally VERY uneducated. Also have some strange, obscure reason for hating Catholics. Also known as the KKK or the White Knights.
"The KKK had a rally in Jasper, TX."

Good God! Who let the crackers loose?
by hallie corson June 20, 2005
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What someone who is part of the sadly diminishing group of people who have enough common sense to WORK HARD, PRAY HARD, PLAY HARD, AND LOVE DEEP ought to be PROUD to call themselves!
Country till I die! No, wait, Heaven is country, too, so country for eternity!!!
by hallie corson October 27, 2004
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That state up in Yankeeland that is home to the nastiest city in the US...Newark. That, coming from a citizen of the greatest state in the US, TEXAS!
And, yes, I have been to New Jersey!!!
by hallie corson September 29, 2004
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When a woman gets an attitude and starts wagging her head back and forth!
Robin Williams to Oprah: "Don't be getting all cobra on me now!"
by hallie corson September 20, 2004
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Only the biggest, baddest Broadway show EVER! PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ROCKS!!!
I got to see Phantom on Broadway for only $20!
by hallie corson September 24, 2004
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Nice little phrase my sister came up with.
Teacher: Where is you history homework?

Jennie: Oh, crap a little ding dong! I left it in my locker!
by hallie corson September 20, 2004
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A man whose Arabic name must mean, "Crawls Out of a Hole!"
I feel a bit safer knowing that Saddam Hussein is off the streets!
by hallie corson September 2, 2005
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