1 definition by haha_you_dont_know_who_i_am

Derogative terms used by surfers to denote kayakers attempting to surf/drown/maim in the ocean. If you thought stand up paddlers were bad, just wait till you have the same mass bearing down on you, with the addition of a bright fluoro color to show, that no matter what you do, whether you paddle away or duck dive, that you are fucked, and your next two weeks of pay is going on a replacement board rather than the (insert exotic surf destination of your choice). FUCK! I WAS GOING TO GO TO INDO!!!!
"Hi, I'd like to cancel my flight to Indonesia please" -You
"Ok, that'll cause you to lose your deposit, which is $400." -Airline representative
"Argghhhhh!" -You
"Can I enquire as to why you cancel your flight, perhaps I can arrange an alternative" -Airline representative
"Fucking Goat Boat" -You
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