10 definitions by gruzzo

A balding middle-aged middle manager who leches after young female members of staff. Can often be seen leaving the disabled toilets with a dodgy grin and soiled fly-zip region.
Cor blimey, I just saw that old waggler take a picture of young Sally into the bogs!
by gruzzo July 18, 2006
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A ginger-haired physics student who gets arrested for kicking cars outside night clubs.
"Look at that Boski kicking cars. He's gonna get himself arrested and you know what they do to gingers in the cells."
by gruzzo July 11, 2006
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A ginger-haired retard who joins a cult and donates all his wages to The Leader. GCBs are phenomenal dancers and have been known to imitate Cossack dancers on acid.
See that fella dancing like a Russian moron? He's a Ginger Cult Boy.
by gruzzo August 23, 2006
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