3 definitions by gottalaughgirl

Neon bright yellow urine caused by taking too many vitamins.
I took the recommended vitamins and it caused vita pee. Vita pee looks like someone broke a highlighter in the toilet. $20 of my $30 vitamins ended up as vita pee.
by gottalaughgirl April 8, 2015
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A bronze statue, often large in size, erected in response to the feelings provoked when one's wife is a cheating whore who moves in with her lover. The statue should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the new couple's private residence. The statue anatomically mimics a hand with the middle finger in the "f-you" position.
"Dude, that guy in Detroit totally bronzefingered his neighbor!"
"That skanky slut should get a bronzefinger for doing every bro in the hood instead of her hubby."
by gottalaughgirl November 20, 2013
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The high, tight and firm ass achieved through vigorous jazzercise classes. Jazz ass is particularly sculpted during jazz squares, hops, plies and grapevine moves. Jazz ass may also be used to refer to the deep pain in the ass muscles following these activities.
"Wow that babe has a banging jazz ass!"
"I better have jazz ass after all the shit I had to do in that class".
"Oh my god I have painful jazz ass this week thanks to the new instructor".
by gottalaughgirl November 24, 2013
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