3 definitions by goldenboyswift

the scale used to measure the magnitude of sex. the registered number is usually derived from the actual size of the dick.
that dude was HUGE! a 9.5 on the dichter scale! a total girthquake!
by goldenboyswift January 10, 2011
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what your good looks can do for you. or what your friend's good looks can do for you. the usefulness of being hot.
last night, we got free drinks and I got laid cuz you were dressed like a slut. man, your beautility was in full effect.
by goldenboyswift January 8, 2011
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a manic romantic. a guy or girl that's super into you one day and then seems cold the next.
needy girl: "I don't get it. he called me every day last week and told me he loved me twice. now he won't even respond to my texts. wtf?"

me: "oh, that's cuz he's romanic."
by goldenboyswift January 8, 2011
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