3 definitions by gamergirlgoose

A male human being going by the name ¨Thad¨ is usually on the wrong side of the law, saying things that could get him arrested and beat up. on the topic of beating up, people named Thad will most often get beat up by five year old girls. this happens since he watches them and when they find out, they throw their lego at him. he is someone who is hated by all and tolerated by few. A Thad is someone who is so stubborn, they would eat literal shit, and then say it tasted like caramel. Thad´s are usually short.
Guy- Hey Thad hows it going?
Thad- Eat sh*t you bag of herpes
Guy- I hate that Thad kid
by gamergirlgoose April 11, 2019
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JEW#1- what do you think about that hitler guy
JEW#2- mr hitler is crazy guy
by gamergirlgoose April 11, 2019
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