9 definitions by funk potato

Someone who farts with a finger in their Ass. Knuckledusting isn't sexual in nature, it is much more closely related to fart sniffing or other Anal Olympic Events. There is a correlation between this activity and growing up in a trailer. This activity was almost certainly invented in the 70's when video games were all but non-existent and drugs were, well, the same as today
Anybob: Hey Bubba!
Bubba: Awwwe haw
Anybob: Putcho fanger in mah butt ho
Bubba: Awwwe haw
Anybob: BRRAAAAAAARRRKKKTTtttwwweeeeeeuuuuueeee!
Bubba: Awwwe mayn! Yuz a low down no good knuckleduster! Hurr hurr hurr!!!
by funk potato September 4, 2009
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A sedative for white people. It gives them "That Itis." Comparable to Ribs.
Bro: Why do you have a Box of Wine?
Me: I've been having sleeping problems lately so I bought this Chateau de Cardboard, '08.
Bro: But, you're not white.
Me: Dag, yo.
by funk potato September 4, 2009
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