5 definitions by fuckthepolice

the same as a nanosecond, but less sciencey-sounding.
I ran right into him when I came around the corner, but it only took me a billisecond to pull the trigger.
by fuckthepolice November 12, 2007
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When a guy with a spear is screaming "kuleka" at you from behind some bushes, you should probably dip.
by fuckthepolice August 28, 2008
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The time of the night where you smoke all the remaining weed while ordering Papa Johns on the phone.
Dude its time for 3AM Papa Johns,Im so excited.
by fuckthepolice March 14, 2017
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Euphoria means you are feeling much better than you usually do. However, since the prefix "eu-" is Greek for "normal", the implication is that the way you feel in everyday life is actually "dysphoria", a state of depression.
The legendary psychedelic chemist Alexander Shulgin brought the true meaning of euphoria to my attention.
by fuckthepolice February 19, 2008
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A God. He steals everyone's bitches. Cooler than anyone you will ever meet.
It's CALB!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!
by fuckthepolice March 4, 2015
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