1 definition by fuckmibba

A website that once was a friendly place to go. Now the equivalent to a communist country, Dujo is the main dictator. Although he does have an equally evil minion, Kurtni, also known as "Cuntni". They think that they can run the world through their computer screens. The site is supposed to be a "creative writing" site but is now overrun by shitty fanfiction. Even though there is good fanfiction, it is very hard to come by, as it is like finding a needle in a haystack. Also, the original fiction is almost completely ignored. If you write OF, you're better off at a different site.
user 1: I used to go on Mibba all the time.

user 2: Yeah, when Dujo wasn't a fucking dick.

user 1: And when Cuntni wasn't always on her period.

user 2: Or not around at all. Lol.

user 1: And when there were talented writers, and not shitty n00b MCR/GD/JoBro/Twilight fanfic "writers".

user 2: Yeah, dude. Fuck Mibba!
by fuckmibba November 10, 2009
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