1 definition by freespeechlover

(Used as a verb): To fire an employee or otherwise force them out of a company because of their personal opinion on a given issue or because of their political or religious perspectives, as Brendan Eich was forced to resign from Mozilla in 2014 because he donated $1,000 to California's Proposition 8 in 2008. Notably, the position Eich holds is the same position that President Obama--widely adored by gay Americans--held at the time Mr. Eich made his donation.
Example 1:

Friend 1: I'm not comfortable supporting "x" cause. It's against my belief system.
Friend 2: Just don't let anyone at work find out what you believe--you might get Mozilla-ed!

Example 2:

Person 1: Did you hear what just happened to Brendan Eich?
Person 2: Yep. If you don't adhere to PC dogma, your company might Mozilla you!
Person 1: How is that free speech?
Person 2: It's not.
by freespeechlover April 5, 2014
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