1 definition by francisca2017

A Vehus is a mythical being of ancient viking lore, known for his almost pure Norwegian blood, yet tainted by filthy, inferior Danish blood. An exuberantly handsome young man, athletic, intelligent, eloquent, however firmly detached from all social interaction and true emotional bonding, capable of inventing conversational distractions in a split second, whenever a change of conversation is needed to avoid sincere contemplation of his inner workings. A Vehus will implore of you to join him for lunch every day, then make pointless conversation about Chris Hemsworth and Thor because he is obsessed with them. Also the movie Spirit. His favorite movie is Good Will Hunting, and he will enact the "It's not your fault-scene whenever you mention it"
The other day Vehus invited my to have lunch with him, and kept changing the topic to Chris Hemsworth's muscles and womens magazines whenever we were about to have a serious conversation about his feelings. He is just such a Vehus!
by francisca2017 November 17, 2017
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