2 definitions by forlesket

"in this essay, i will” memes are the most wholesome of the current popular memes because as well as being genuinely hilarious, they encourage deep, analytical thinking which often produces profound statements. in this essay, i will
To truly understand the impact of the boys being back in town, one must first examine the circumstances that led to the boys’ departure in the first place. In this essay, I will.
by forlesket May 24, 2019
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the superior ship in the netflix original “the society”.

alex fitzalan: “ i think there’s potentially an attraction, because in most of the scenes we had together, i noticed there was this kind of, like, tit for tat, almost flirtatious energy”
hallies: half of hassandras ship is a bag of bones

hassandras: well at least my ship didn’t have bad sex and zero chemistry
by forlesket March 3, 2021
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