2 definitions by flying wagman

1. The impact of carbon dioxide emissions, from an individual or a group, on air pollution and global warming.

2. A more accurate reflection of the impact of a carbon footprint. While a footprint leaves an impression, a skidmark leaves an indelible stain that is extremely undesirable and unpleasant.
Example #1: Jon got a brand new Escalade but that thing leaves a huge carbon skidmark.

Example #2: Some hippies were trying to convince me to give them money to offset my carbon skidmark so I told them to fuck off.
by flying wagman August 2, 2009
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A person who is characterized by brutal, uncivilized behaviour, irrespective of religious affiliation. One who is truly beyond redemption.
Jeremy: Did you hear about Tyler? He beat up a woman again last night.
Morgan: Shit. What a godless savage.
by flying wagman September 4, 2009
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