2 definitions by fiver

A song by Guns N' Roses on their debut album, Appetite for Destruction. Essentially, it's about one's initial introduction to the seedy underworld of America.

It also serves as a nice pump-you-up song.
Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games.
We got everything you want, honey we know the names,
We are the people that can find, whatever you may need.
If you got the money,honey, we got your disease in the jungle
Welcome to the Jungle...
by fiver December 1, 2004
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1 of the 3 notorious pictures in the LUE Trinity. The exact definition can be found on several reputable medical websites. The LUE Trinity is goatse, tub girl, and this, the harlequin fetus.
The Trinity; that is, goatse, tub girl, and the harlequin fetus, burned my eyes and made me bleach my retinas.
by fiver June 7, 2004
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