3 definitions by figarojames

That stuffed animal that's all torn up and dirty that nobody touches because the family dog spends all day alternating between chewing it and humping it.
"I know you want to play with Fluffy but you might want to get that out of your mouth, it's his Scooby Dew rag!!
by figarojames January 20, 2019
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A story that's been exaggerated and perfected through years of determination to become a member of the PBFA (*Professional Bar Fly Association)

*The PBFA is a proud chapter of the AHBA (American Honky-tonk Bar Association)
Bourbon Legend: Bro I shit you not!! So there I was, sitting in my lawn chair at the edge of the pond watching the sunrise. I got my beer in one hand and my balls in the other, when all of the sudden our pet beaver Lemmy Eedit pops up next to me and slaps the water with his tail! It scared me so bad I fell backwards into the pond! I almost drowned!! But at least I saved my beer.
by figarojames January 20, 2019
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The anger induced sex that occurs after an argument or a misunderstanding between two or more beings.
While most often occurring between two lovers, recipients can include, but are not limited to; bf/gf, wife/husband, co-workers, criminals in prison, and various members of the animal kingdom.
"Fuck Off!" She exclaimed. And at that moment the look in his eyes told her the fuckening was about to begin.
The male lion, with his huge mane, stood upon the savana victorious over his older adversary. The lioness, distracted by today's kill, is oblivious to the fuckening she and her fellow lionesses are about to receive.
by figarojames November 5, 2016
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