3 definitions by ferb4ever

The question “are they Ferb” is a code for “are they bi/pan” and a reference to the popular Disney channel character Ferb from ‘Phineas and Ferb’, as he is known as a bicon in newer times.
Person 1: “are they, you know- Ferb?”
Person 2: “ no, I think they are Phineas.”
by ferb4ever July 25, 2020
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The question “are they Candace” is a code for “are they straight” and a reference to the popular Disney channel character Candace from ‘Phineas and Ferb’ because she is straight. While her brothers Phineas and Ferb, are used as codes in the lgbt+ community to ask if someone is gay/bi/pan.
Person 1: “are they Ferb?”
Person 2: “nah, they are Candace.”
by ferb4ever July 25, 2020
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The question “are they Phineas” is a code for “are they gay” and a reference to the popular Disney channel character Phineas from ‘Phineas and Ferb’ because he is known as a gay icon in newer times.
Person 1: “are they Phineas?”
Person 2: “No, I think they are Candace.”
by ferb4ever July 25, 2020
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