2 definitions by fawkes21eod

the inability to understand epidemiology and to trust science and experts that herd immunity does not involve letting a virus run rampant through a population.
President Trump defended his assertion that the novel coronavirus would "disappear" with or without a vaccine on Tuesday, saying the United States would develop what he called "herd mentality."
by fawkes21eod September 16, 2020
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1) the unit of measurement for the disparity between EXPECTED turnout and ACTUAL turnout of an event
2) to move an incompetent person into a position where they can personally profit off their employer.
1) "The turnout disparity at Trump's Tulsa rally was 794,000 parscales."
2) The campaign manager had failed to increase the candidates poll numbers, so he was moved into media management (where he could use his personal company to make money off the campaign)
by fawkes21eod July 19, 2020
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