6 definitions by fabulogue

verb. To talk in a blabbering and waffling manner where many words are uttered but little or no meaning is conveyed.
Oh no! Boris has just taken the podium. He's probably going to dePfeffel on and on as usual.
by fabulogue February 3, 2020
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A portmanteau of "FUBAR" and "faux pas". A blunder that is so massive, it results in a FUBAR situation. Can also be described as Fucked Up (FU) step ("pas" being the French for step), i.e. a FU-pas
Did you hear what David said to the client in the meeting? It didn't only piss off the client, it lost us $20 million. What an absolute FU-pas!!
by fabulogue April 13, 2023
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Someone who creates, or makes up, words.
Let's ask Mandy if she can think of a name for our startup. She's a fabulous fabulogue.
by fabulogue December 30, 2020
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Someone who's being a dick on a video conference, particularly when they refuse to take responsibility for their behaviour.
"Hey, Frank! Can you stop being a Toobin and stop talking over Amanda?"
by fabulogue October 19, 2020
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One who appreciates and enjoys making up new words.

From combining the Greek philos (friend, lover) with fabulogue.
Phil fills his stories with fantastic confabulations. It's fitting that Phil's also a philofabulogue, so some of the words are totally made up too.
by fabulogue February 3, 2020
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Bob's saying that it's really important to iron his underpants right now, but I think it's just a procrastification to put off writing that report
by fabulogue August 5, 2019
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