1 definition by ewcrackhead

A Keisha is a very loyal girl. She is shy and quiet at first but once you get to know her, she will be the most craziest person ever. She

can be bipolar but you'll get used to it. A Keisha usually craves attention. Some Keisha's can be smart and some can be stupid. Keisha's can be really active but most of the time, she's very lazy. Some Keisha's are obsessed with anime and they will talk about it for hours. Keisha's like to insult her friends but only as jokes and laughs when her friends insult her. But if people she's not close with insults her, she will take it very personal no matter how small the insult is. Keisha loves veggies a lot. She's a very loyal person when it comes to dating. She will be embarrassed of it at first but after a while she'll grow into it. She is into dirty and lewd things but she keeps it a secret. Her main hobby is eating, sleeping, playing with her phone and drawing. She's very active on social media and posts silly stuff. Keisha's always plan to keep their friendships till the end of their life but if you get into an argument with her, she won't be the first one to apologise but will and most definitely forgive you. She's very anti-social and has anxiety. She doesn't like public speaking since she can't do it. She will help you out through tough times and will be your shoulder to cry on and will not hesitate to stay up with you to make sure you're okay.

If you ever come across a Keisha, Just know that she's a keeper.
dude: brooo that girl over there is so nice! helped me with my art project and offered me a ride home!
girl: oh she's Keisha! She's the sweetest girl i know.
by ewcrackhead February 13, 2020
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