4 definitions by evilrubberducky

A person who enjoys receiving anal sex frequently and indiscriminately, to the point the person should hand out tokens and install a turnstile.
My buddy told me he packed her fudge Saturday night, and that's after I was drove down her Hershey Highway myself Saturday afternoon. That chick is like a dirty subway!
by evilrubberducky December 15, 2010
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Dunking your whole head in the holy water font at a Catholic church because you were in a hurry to confess to performing oral sex and you wanted to get that taste out of your mouth first, or because you didn't have time to brush your teeth after eating the nasty garlic chicken at that Chinese place up the street and you didn't want the Body of Christ to taste like nasty garlic chicken.
We only had time for a quick hummer before mass so I just had a righteous gargle when we got to the cathedral.
by evilrubberducky December 16, 2010
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An onaniliker is one who, for whatever reason, "likes" their own posts/comments on Facebook. Closely related to likomania (the nymphomaniacal "liking" of posts, as in engaging in a "liking spree")
Yeah, she likes up everything, including her own posts. She'll like herself up all night long. She's a total onaniliker
by evilrubberducky January 28, 2011
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On Facebook, the retaliatory poking that ensues when one attempts to return the pokes one has already received.
I've got 74 pokes I'm trying to clear out, but as fast as I'm poking I still can't keep up - I'm getting retallipoked!
by evilrubberducky April 5, 2011
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