2 definitions by es invictus

(n.) Pr. (`twente` Fo'r-gE) The massive conglomerate of heterosexual boys forming a writhing pile on a couch. In this pile all members are furiously hugging and dry-humping the others. This outbust of erotic glee is the result of the climatic ending of an episode of Fox Media's television show 24 (mondays, 9-10pm) featuring Keifer Sutherland.
"After that awsome fucking episode of 24, Sean, Brian and Everett formed a Twenty-Fourgy on Nick's couch"

"After their Twenty-fourgy, Sean told everyone that they must never speak of it again"
by es invictus January 24, 2006
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(n.) The involuntary contraction of muscles in the hand and toes, in combination with a exclamatory shout of immeasurable glee from the viewing of Fox Media's television show, "24". Said "Twenty-Fourgasms" occur in points of an episode when something is done that may cause awe or excitement. While not necessarily specific to any character, it tends to be triggered by main character Jack Bauer (played by Keifer Sutherland). A more specific climax of excitement specific to Keifer does exist. See "Keifer-gasm"
"It was weird wathing 24 with my dad last night. Every time Keifer did something great I had a "Twenty-Fourgasm" and my dad didn't know what I was doing"

"Goddamn, I can't even concentrate anymore, after that show, I ""Twenty-Fourgasmed" all over my pants."
by es invictus January 9, 2006
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