2 definitions by emo_besties

Emo besties are one of a kind. They are very very very emo and are material girls. They are very kind, and funny, but also very brocken. If u have a emo bestie, or ur friend group is emo besties, keep them, bc they are loyal
Emo 1: hey emo bestie!
Emo 2: omg hi emo ur so loyal bc ur emo
This provides and example of emo besties, also material girls.
by emo_besties April 4, 2022
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Kind, sarcastic and salty, but is fine overall. She makes a good teacher except for when she might yell and get mad.
Mrs.Mascolo, can you help me with my writing

Yes bestie!!!

Or she might say….
by emo_besties April 2, 2022
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