3 definitions by elstud

Someone that thinks that they are the best at trolling people online and think they can wear that mantle with pride.
Weirdtown is a cesspit of individuals with an over inflated delusion of trollism, i reckon it will be a medical condition one day!
by elstud December 24, 2015
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1) Someone that thinks he/she is the top troll in a chatroom/website/social media, known for taking on other trolls and trying to make them look amateurish compared to them.

2) Individual that exhibits delusions of trollism on a scale only supplanted by the force in in star wars.
Noodle: '' migule i find amazing how the trolls are fighting among each other today...''
Migule: '' lol emotardo they are competing to decide who's the alpha troll...''
by elstud December 24, 2015
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