3 definitions by eatingapenis

A statement you say out of pure anger after two fat dudes working a pawn shop only offer you $1,000 for your $2,500 PEZ collection.
"I can't believe one of them guys offered me a thousand dollars for fucking 50 pieces of PEZ, that's an insult to the PEZ community. I can't believe it; that's why they're chooches."
by eatingapenis May 10, 2021
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That type of asshole who thinks they're better than you; usually driven by shallow, inconsequential internet points. They try to fulfil their own fragile ego by condescending and patronizing those they view as inferior; yes, they lack any self-awareness whatsoever. They often act like their opinions are important and should be listened to; even though they lack the insight or depth to make their thoughts of any substance. They're usually paranoid that the 'Instagram normies' (not realizing they're some of the biggest normies to grace the internet) are stealing their memes; as if anyone would want to steal their drivel. There probably are a few sane ones; but unfortunately, they're in the minority.
Friend: Did you read Phil's long, condescending, self-aggrandizing diatribe on Reddit about how Christianity is the worst thing to ever exist and how Atheism is superior?

Me: Yep, textbook Redditor moment.
by eatingapenis February 8, 2021
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