4 definitions by e1rg

Urban dictionary lets you vote on the page by either clicking the vote icon, or after posting a definition. Right now at 2:18 PM Thu Apr 16 2020, maybe you are voting for this post to be posted on urban dictionary?
by e1rg April 16, 2020
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A lost city that has never been found, but may be located in The Eye of Africa. Atlantis was a city that sunk underwater thousands of years ago. We still don’t know 100% where Atlantis might be, but we will find it eventually.
The lost city of Atlantis is a Underwater lost city
by e1rg April 11, 2020
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A YouTuber that makes clickbait videos and always makes sure the video hits the 10 minute mark. He scripts all of his videos to make more money. He makes try not to laugh videos on Team Forknife and when the video hits 10 minutes he just laughs at something not funny to end the video. He makes shadical “rage” and “trolls” his friends in “public” matches.
Shadical more like badical!
Make sure to subscribe to MrTop5 or you will have bad luck for 5 years!
by e1rg April 11, 2020
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A trash app that teachers can post O N L I N E W O R K. It is even more stressful for students because they can out of nowhere see a assignment notification and get pressured. ALSO, Make sure to rate google classroom 1 Star on the App Store! Thanks!
Ugh the teacher assigned more work on Google Classroom
Ik it sucks can we like have a break or something for gosh sakes??
by e1rg April 11, 2020
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