1 definition by e.p.izzdabomb

Located in Lake County, this town is full of old people. Mount Dora is the the highest point in Florida.

In 1981, the film "Honkey Tonk Freeway" was filmed in downtown Mount Dora, possibly one of the most rediculous movies ever made, but all of downtown was painted pink for the movie.

Most people who live in Mount Dora have lived here their entire lives because once you enter, you never leave.

The youth in Mount Dora rarely go to college, and end up stuck here like their parents. The schools are very ghetto and average. The Mount Dora High School football team is actually descent.

There is nothing fun to do in Mount Dora, and if you are looking for entertainment go to Orlando.
Dude, that guy is so old he practically screams Mount Dora!

Help me! My mom is making us move to Mount Dora and i fear for my future!
by e.p.izzdabomb October 19, 2010
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