2 definitions by drpecki

Msn stands for Microsoft Network, but some believe it stands for Microsoft Service Network. It is basically like chat where you email really quickly and efficiently. You can add contacts (your friends who you chat to) and make up your own name, that could describe your personality, talk about your friends or say how much you love your boyfriend. You can also get display pictures which show up to other people and also describe what you're thinking or what kind of person you are and are usually comical. The latest type of MSN has functions where you can "handwrite" a message, draw pictures, play games with other people and a function where people can see what you're listening to. You can block people who aren't your friends, add those that are and even have your own special msn page with pictures on it! A place where you can meet new people and friendships are formed!
People on msn like to talk in text speak to get what they want to say across quickly. eg; wuu2? =meaning what are you up to?
Aimee loves Matty: Hey r u ok?
Depressed Punk--hate life: yh fanx wuu2?
Aimee loves Matty: Nice display piccie!
Depressed Punk--hate life: its of my cat Whisper eating dinner.
Aimee loves Matty: I luv msn
Depressed Punk--hate life: yh i can see what you're listening 2.
Aimee loves Matty: i love dis band.
by drpecki December 24, 2006
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Someone who is really cool, or an absolute beast. Someone who is really good at something. "A legend"
Can be spelt beasty
Also used as beasty boy.
John's an absolute beastie.

He's a beast at football.
by drpecki December 24, 2006
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